About My Momma:

About My Momma:
Is it fitting to eat? My Momma would often ask us kids, as we sat around the table. It always was. My Momma was a great country cook. Even well up into old age! When most people had lost their desire to cook, my mother was right in there leading the way. She cooked for a husband, seven kids, plus farm hands. We lived on a small farm and she made stuff from scratch. Everyone of my brothers and sisters are great cooks also. They are gracious hosts and good entertainers in their homes. My mother passed this wonderful love of food and enjoying company down to us.

December 12, 2011

Sweet and Sour Meatballs!

Lets eat "Home Made" Chinese Tonight!

Meatball ingredients:

1 1/2 lbs Ground Beef
2/3 cup of cracker crumbs
1/3 cup of minced onions
1 1/2 tps of salt
1 egg

          Mix all ingredients together and shape into medium size meatballs.
Brown in skillet with 1 tps of butter. Makes about 20 to 25 meatballs.

Sauce ingredients:

2 tps of cornstarch
13 oz of pineapple chunks (reserve syrup)
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1tps of soy sauce
1/3 cup of vinegar
1/3 cup of green pepper (chopped)

          Mix together cornstarch, and brown sugar in a sauce pan. Stir in pineapple syrup, vinegar, and soy sauce. Heat until thick. Add green pepper and pineapple. As meatballs are browned remove from skillet and add to pan. Serve over bed of white or yellow rice.
          Goes great with Buttered Egg noodles, English peas. Or serve with with Egg drop or Wonton soup! DeeeLicous!

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