About My Momma:

About My Momma:
Is it fitting to eat? My Momma would often ask us kids, as we sat around the table. It always was. My Momma was a great country cook. Even well up into old age! When most people had lost their desire to cook, my mother was right in there leading the way. She cooked for a husband, seven kids, plus farm hands. We lived on a small farm and she made stuff from scratch. Everyone of my brothers and sisters are great cooks also. They are gracious hosts and good entertainers in their homes. My mother passed this wonderful love of food and enjoying company down to us.

December 10, 2011

About my Momma!

          There were 7 of us kids. I was in the middle, and like most middle children I was sometimes a forgotten child. I was the Fourth of Seven, but at one point I was the oldest left at home, not going to school yet that is. I remember one day it was really storming and I couldn't go out and play. We lived on a farm and were outdoor kids. No one that I knew of stayed inside then. We would play all day long in the sun, out in the rain, whatever. We could pretty much do as we wished, as long as we did'nt leave the gates open and let the cows out. Or something equally stupid, like skinny dipping in the ponds. Which we did all the time.

          Mamma put my younger sister Robin, and the youngest of all, my brother Tracy, down for a nap. Then we made some Chocolate Chip Cookies. The kind that came in the tube, in the Dairy section. Seems I remember Pillsbury, The Dough Boy, but I'm not for sure. We got us a plate full of them, then I sat on her lap and we ate them while it turned dark outside and thundered and lightened. She told me my favorite story - The Three Little Pigs. It was a special little time with just her and me. She told me not to tell the others about the cookies, but I did, just as soon as they got home...      

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