About My Momma:

About My Momma:
Is it fitting to eat? My Momma would often ask us kids, as we sat around the table. It always was. My Momma was a great country cook. Even well up into old age! When most people had lost their desire to cook, my mother was right in there leading the way. She cooked for a husband, seven kids, plus farm hands. We lived on a small farm and she made stuff from scratch. Everyone of my brothers and sisters are great cooks also. They are gracious hosts and good entertainers in their homes. My mother passed this wonderful love of food and enjoying company down to us.

December 13, 2011

Mexican Casserole!

This is one of my favorites!
           Start out with:
              1lbs of Ground Beef (your choice)
              1 bag of Boil in the bag Rice
              1 package of cheddar cheese
              1 can of yellow corn
              1 can of Tomatoes ( my sister likes whole - I like diced so you can choose)
              1 and 1/2 Tsp Chili powder
              1 and 1/4 Tsp Garlic powder
              1 and 1/2 Tsp Salt
              1/4 Pepper

           Brown ground beef in an iron skillet and drain. Cook rice, and mix in with Ground beef, and all the rest of the ingredients. Mix in just 1/2 of the cheddar cheese.
Place in appropriate size glass baking dish. Pre -Heat oven to 325 degrees and cook for 20 minutes. Remove and sprinkle the rest of the cheddar cheese on top and place back in oven for 5 to 10 minutes.
          We like to serve our Mexican casserole with Steamed Tortillas, or Garlic bread. Add in Ford Hook Lima beans and it's a meal.  If we invite another couple we'll include a home made salad, and have a bottle of Red wine. It's also a great Monday Night Football meal for some reason. It just fits, what can we say! Enjoy!


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