About My Momma:

About My Momma:
Is it fitting to eat? My Momma would often ask us kids, as we sat around the table. It always was. My Momma was a great country cook. Even well up into old age! When most people had lost their desire to cook, my mother was right in there leading the way. She cooked for a husband, seven kids, plus farm hands. We lived on a small farm and she made stuff from scratch. Everyone of my brothers and sisters are great cooks also. They are gracious hosts and good entertainers in their homes. My mother passed this wonderful love of food and enjoying company down to us.

December 5, 2011

White Bean Pot Luck!

Momma loved corn bread she fixed quite a few meals around this basic Southern staple.

Corn Bread Pot Luck!

1 lbs of dry Northern beans
5 medium size Potatoes
1 medium Onion
5 or 6 carrots (we use the real whole carrots, we like the texture, but you can use the small ones too)
As many smoked Ham Hocks as you need.  If you people from up north have never tried Ham Hocks, I ask that you to try them just this once. They are the best thing to season a pot of beans. You might develope a taste for'em. We all lov'em down here.
Salt and Pepper to taste

          Can be cooked in a large Pot on the stove or a crock pot. I prefer the crock pot myself.
Put the beans, carrots, and ham hocks all in together. I will wait about an hour before putting in the carrots if I am at home otherwise I add them at the beginning and leave. Put about 3 times the amount of water as the amount of beans. Cook on high or med high about 6 to 7 hours depending on your crock pot. Then add the potatoes (Red or White - your choice) and onion, salt and pepper. I cut the onion in about 3/4 inch squares or less.  Continue cooking until everything is done.
          I like hot sauce on mine, sometimes a jalepeno, or Chow Chow. My brother in law swears by Crushed red. Of course he likes Crushed red on everything. I put'em all on the table.
          We serve this with a big pan of Buscuits to sop up the juice. Put the butter and jelly out for the people who like them. Milk with this meal. If they are in season fried Green tomatoes go great with this dish. Some chilled pears in a separate little dish, make it a family feast to remember.

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