About My Momma:

About My Momma:
Is it fitting to eat? My Momma would often ask us kids, as we sat around the table. It always was. My Momma was a great country cook. Even well up into old age! When most people had lost their desire to cook, my mother was right in there leading the way. She cooked for a husband, seven kids, plus farm hands. We lived on a small farm and she made stuff from scratch. Everyone of my brothers and sisters are great cooks also. They are gracious hosts and good entertainers in their homes. My mother passed this wonderful love of food and enjoying company down to us.

December 7, 2011

Barbecued Ribs!


 1      Btl  Ketchup 14 ounces             
 2     tps  Brown sugar
 1/4  cp  water 
 1/4  cp  Vinegar
 2     tps  Dry Mustard
 1/4  cp  Tabasco Sauce
 1     tps  Chili Powder
 2     tps  Worcestershire Sauce
 1     tps  Ground Cumin
 1     tsp  Grated onion or more depending your taste
 1/4  tps  Ground Cloves
 1     tsp  Celery Salt
6      lbs  Ribs
          Combine first 12 ingredients to make the sauce. Set aside in the fridge. Sauce can made in advance.
          Now some people say pre boil your ribs, but I never do. The number one rule for Ribs is they must be cooked slowwwwwww. Boiling will also take away the great pork flavor. Some people wrap them in Tin foil, we don't do that either. Both methods will speed up the cooking however.
          Oven cooking is at 225 to 240 degrees, for around 5 to 6 hours
. Swab them with Barbecue sauce for the last hour or so and turn the heat up as needed. Place them on a pan rack (a baking pan with a rack on it) and keep plenty of water in the pan.  Pay close attention to cooking ribs with any sauce on them, as it will char them if cooked too hot or too fast.
          Grilling is basically the same method, slowwwww. 5 to 6 hours. 225 degrees. The best way is on a smoker but you can cook them on regular charcoal grill. Let the charcoal go white, you can add a bit more charcoal as time goes on to keep the temp right and keep them cooking. Use any chips you desire Hickory, Oak. Or Maple. You can soak them in a mixture if you like. We use plain Oak. The flavor is Woooooonderful. The last few minutes swab with sauce and watch them closely. Hmm - Good Eating.
          Any kind of potatoes go with Ribs. We serve Momma's Potato Salad or Sliced potatoes with onions in tin foil on the grill, when you open up the tin foil sprinkle some cheddar cheese, and salt and pepper. Corn on the Cob, and a fresh tossed salad. Iced tea or Coke.  

Check this out over a Hundred BBQ recipes!
http://90d46krn-vqp5u1-lckr2s2l94.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=BBQ RECIPES

We'll get into "Dry Rubs" next time!

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